Last Christmas Eve, hubby and I lost our 18-year-old dog, Dijon. She's mostly blind and deaf from old age. We let her out the townhouse to pee, then we got distracted with dinner and presents. One hour later, we realized --with horror-- that Dijon was still outside.
She was nowhere to be found. We knocked on doors of 10 or so neighbors who were all getting ready for Christmas dinner. No one has seen a small white dog wandering about. At this point, 2 neighbors volunteered to drive around the neighborhood to try to find Dijon. Nothing turned up. I had to miss my Christmas Eve Mass since I clearly can not leave my distraught hubby to look for Dijon on his own -- he was walking around the neighborhood in a t-shirt in 40-degree LA winter weather. I was making novenas to St. Josemaria Escriva under my breath. I was so distracted it was difficult to finish my Our Fathers.
After posting about 30 flyers with Dijon's picture around the neighborhood, we decided to call it a night. It was 1:00am, Christmas Day.
We woke up very sad and blue on Christmas morning :( Especially hubby who felt he let Dijon down. We were not in the mood to open gifts. I went to Christmas Mass--which was wonderful. Then hubby's sister called to suggest we try searching online. Great idea -- we decided to post a "Lost Dog" ad with pics asap, on Craigslist.
At this point, hubby -- who is Jewish -- suggested I make another novena to St. Josemaria Escriva (hubby knows I have a devotion to him). A few minutes after that conversation, we got an email response to our ad, pointing us to a "Found Dog" ad that may or may not be Dijon. We opened the Found Dog ad -- and it's Dijon!
We frantically emailed the person who posted the Found Dog ad. An hour passed. Nothing. Hubby was worried. Another hour passed... Half-way through my novena, the door bell rang -- and hubby was greeted by a nice gentleman, Dijon tucked under his arm. We were overjoyed! We introduced ourselves and it turns out Dijon's rescuer is named Nick -- Dijon apparently crossed a main thoroughfare and went inside Walgreens. The Walgreens people kept putting her outside, and she kept coming back in. Nick took her home, gave her a bath and tried to console her. He also posted the Craigslist ad. We offered a reward but Nick flatly refused it. So we donated the reward under his name to his favorite charity.
We consider it a miracle that Dijon survived crossing a big street despite being blind and deaf, and being found and safely returned by someone named after St. Nick, as in Santa Claus, on Christmas Day.
Now Dijon can pretty much have accidents around the house (because of her age) and we no longer complain :)