Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wanted: Jobs!

So many of my own family members and friends are looking for jobs these days -- which are getting fewer and far between, it seems. I thank God everyday for my own job--which I love--at a university by the Pacific Ocean.

But did you know that my job is "the fruit of many prayers"? 2 years ago, I desperately needed a job after my post-grad stint at USC ran out. I was on a work visa and can not be unemployed for even a day. Besides, I take 100% financial care of my 78-year old mom and her sister. The USC stint was unstable and senior administrators around me were getting nasty. I was in a tight spot. I applied to around 70 jobs within and outside the US for over 2 months... nothing.

So we -- my mom, my friends -- started storming heaven for the perfect job for me! We prayed to St. Josemaria Escriva (see link below for the novena), Don Alvaro Del Portillo, and St. Anthony. I NEED THAT JOB!!!!

And then, I got a call for an interview! The interview was set for January 9, 2008 -- the birthday of St. Josemaria :) Two weeks later, I got the job offer -- on the feastdays of both Don Alvaro and St. Anthony. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?

So... if you are ever in a tight spot like I was almost 2 years ago -- apply for all the jobs you can find and pray like crazy! It worked for me!


  1. I'm glad you got the job, and I hope your family members will find a job soon too!
    wish you guys all the luck!


  2. hi T! this is a really nice post! St. Anthony + St. Jude + St. Joseph always works miracles for me when I can't find something. Within minutes of praying, I find what I'm looking for. :-) ... Will try St. Josemaria Escriva + St. Anthony + Don Alvaro one of these days. :-)
